DSAC Membership Application Form


Membership and Engagement Committee voting sessions are held quarterly. Please allow four-to-six months to receive an application decision.


The Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) is a corporate membership program. This application must be submitted by the U.S.-based senior security executive (CSO/CISO or equivalent) of the organization applying for membership. Please make every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information. All information is required and will be verified. You may direct questions about this application form to DSAC@fbi.gov.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications must meet the following criteria:

  • Company generates $2 billion or more in annual U.S. revenue

  • Company is a for-profit organization*

  • Company has a U.S.-based security component

  • Company has a direct impact on national security or economic stability, and contributions to FBI and DHS mission critical objectives

  • Company has established and maintains a working relationship with its local FBI field office

*Exception for Healthcare and Public Health Sector